Latest News - 20/01/2023

Seven Days, New Laws, Ezzy on the up and a used 4.5m

 Has seven whole days really gone by since last Friday? I guess they have, so here we are at the Weekend once more. 

Not bad going, the third full weekend in January and this is going to be the first chilly one of 2023. I think I prefer warm and cloudy but it has been great to feel that sun on your face during the last couple of days (we open the shop door and stick our heads out, just for a mo, between customers). Whilst on the subject of third, there is a new law coming into effect shortly and you, as a water user, probably need to be aware of it.. 
New legislation in from March 31st .  The ‘law’ is regarding prosecution of those found to be dangerously operating a watercraft or being negligent. The RYA website has covered it nicely, so please take a look at the link below to gain all the info you should need. 
It’s not just diesel or petrol powered craft that are covered by this new ruling. E-Foils and any form of craft powered by an onboard mechanical propellant (not human or animal as far as we can tell) will also be affected. Prosecution of persons who are found to be negligent when in charge of a watercraft will be made easier and with a bit of luck it will act as a deterrent to those who blatantly ignore the safety of other water users or even their own passengers. I don’t think this is the thin edge of the wedge regarding all water users but you can see the larger Insurance companies being interested in an ever growing marketplace they are not as yet tapped into and also the Licensing of watercraft by Local Authorities might well raise its head again. 
Regarding the insurance side, Third Party Cover is actually a wise thing to have,  whatever the sport you are involved in. At one point, back in the dark ages, a large number of those who were windsurfing joined the RYA, as the membership gave them free 3rd party insurance, which they still offer today ..
as does the BKSA for Kitesurfers..
and the British Canoe Union also offer it for SUP paddlers (plus licences to cover paddling rivers etc.)....
but you can also find various companies online that specialise in Watersports cover, including 3rd Party Liability and cover for your kit. Before you do, it maybe worth checking your House Insurance, as they may also cover your kit when out and about). If you are foiling it might be wise to declare that it’s a sport you are participating, as it might not be covered and that would be bad if you needed to claim! Now, what else do I need to cover this evening?
We have traded in an Ezzy Wave 4.5m Mk1 2020. The sail is generally in lovely condition but it has had a brief tussle with a groyne, causing light damage to the luff and putting a couple of small marks and a tear (14mm long, so not ‘huge’ ) in the second panel from the head. It’s not a panel that takes impacts generally, so there is no reason for the marks to get worse. The owner had them taped but we have removed it so they can be seen and  inspected by a prospective buyer. The price reflects this, as £245.00 is all we ask for. A new Ezzy Wave 4.5m is now £769.00 and this leads me nicely into price rises about to hit Feb 1st. 
Ezzy UK are having to up the RRP on their current sail range. The Taka, Ezzy Wave and Cross Foil sails have already been adjusted but the remaining sails will all be ‘upped’ come Feb 1st. I will list the price changes in a separate post, as not all of you will wish to look at a bunch of sail prices, but if you were thinking of buying and especially if a quiver, you do need to take a look. However, we do all need to look at what’s happening this weekend on the weather and tide front (still waiting for our friggin tide tables.. apologies to those of you patiently waiting!).
Saturday we have 25°C with a 3m swell and side shore winds at 25mph.. whoops.. sorry, I was day dreaming! We actually have a High of 6°C combined with a chilly Nor’East wind, running at approx. 7-11kts. But hey, the Sun will be out, so that will raise your hopes of Spring getting ever nearer! Tide is High at 10.30hrs on a 5.3m.
Sunday is pretty much the same. Temp is slightly lower at 5°C  and the Nor’East wind will be 4-8kts.  Sun shine until mid-afternoon, when it clouds over. Tide is High at 11.21hrs on a 5.5m.
And that is it for this evening. It looks like a weekend for the paddle craft and thankfully the rivers will have enough ‘clean’ water to make it fun.. if you can keep your hands warm of course (we can help with that!). Please do wrap up warm and it’s well worth remembering to be on a constant lookout for Icebergs..  it only took one to take Titanic out!
Have a great weekend All.

PS. Some of you may have noticed New Prices on Fanatic ISUP Packages.. will post about that tomo!

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