Latest News - 14/12/2022

Mulled Pies and Mince Wine Sunday.. or is it?

 The weekend looks to be bringing a change in the weather. 

Saturday, we start to come out of the Freezer and by Sunday.. we get the three W’s. Yes. It’s going to be Wet, Windy and Warm.. which is just typical, as it’s the last Sunday before Christmas and we will be serving the WINTER warmer of Mulled Wine and a Mince pie, to those who drop in between the hours of 10am and 1pm. Perhaps we will need to change it to Pina Colada’s and a Prawn Dip?? 
It’s a Neap Tide weekend and the Tide will be low  at 12.20hrs, so Shoreham will be ‘good’. Current forecast is Southerly 25kt gusting 40kt and they say that a fair amount of the wet stuff is coming with it, but at 10°C it should feel quite pleasant! It is forecast to swing slightly Sou’West during the afternoon and it continues to build throughout Monday, with gusts up to a blustery 48kt (tie your Christmas decorations down!) and then it drops back to a moderate 20-26kt Westerly on Tuesday.
I guess it will depend upon your Weather Wish, as to whether that is all good or all bad but the warmer weather thaw will be appreciated by the wildlife, if they can keep out of the rain! 
Please do drop in on Sunday morning, if you are close by and we will see you then!

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