Latest News - 08/01/2016

RNLI Boat has been emptied!

 Our Lifeboat Collection Box 'Boat' has just been emptied and it's a really BIG Thank You for a truly amazing result. The box raised £461.31p which is a fantastic amount. Our best previous collection was £352.00 (one other box may have done better but it was stolen.. our boxes are now chained) and as far as I know that was a record for local R.N.L.I boxes, so you should all be very proud.

Most of the money comes from donations for Tidetables and from the odd 5p change from a purchase that we may suggest goes into the box but a lot of you do drop in the odd note or heavy coins when you're in.. as a type of insurance policy!

The Crew and Staff at the Shoreham Station do an amazing job and I think they will be happy to know that those who use the sea for fun and who may have to ask for their services at some point have at least been happy to help out with their running costs!

So, the box is empty and we need to fill it again!

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