Latest News - 28/11/2015

The Pryde Product Bible here Now!

The Pryde Group (represented by Agent Eight in the UK) which encompasses the infamous brands of Cabrinha, Imagine SUP, JP (Wind and SUP) , Neil Pryde Windsurfing and NP Waterwear, have just released their product guide for 2016. It's referred to as the Buyers Bible and it really is that. You can of course find everything on line but this book is just sooo easy for browsing through the kit! You really will be amazed by the huge amount of kit that is available from this one companies brands!
OK, as with most things there are a few issues, as some of the kits pricing is missing, but it's one that everybody should have a copy of.. so drop by and get one the next time you're passing (we can send them but the postage will be £2.80).

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